Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Beginning Med School: The Armpit Is More Important Than You Think

When I was told that medical school is like drinking from a firehose, I thought to myself, yeah sure. But I'm beginning to understand how true that is. We're starting Anatomy with the pectoral region and the axilla (better known as the armpit). It really surprised how many important things are located in that area between the armpit you can see on the outside and your collarbone! Nerves, arteries, and veins course through that small triangle weaving around and through a whole collection of muscles and bones. With how vital these things are to daily functioning and how relatively close to the surface these nerve fibers and blood vessels are, I'm surprised people don't damaged themselves permanently more often!
Fun fact of the day: the ulnar nerve (which comes out of the nerve network that is the brachial plexus) is the "real" funny bone, it runs right by your elbow and when it's whacked, it gives rise to that not-so-funny feeling.
Pre-med gratitude: thank goodness I know basic bone structure and names of muscles, otherwise this firehose would be cranked to full blast.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

More fun facts are always welcome.
Wishing you well on your second week of med school,
Love Mom