Saturday, February 14, 2009


Last night my mom and I got back from Nebraska (made it out of Omaha while the entire city was being shut down because of a snow storm). My interview at Creighton yesterday went pretty darn well! It was great to see the campus, meet the people, and compare this med school with U of MN Twin Cities and U of MN Duluth. The students at each place seem really similar: cooperative, friendly, happy. I could see myself at each school. In the end, it's up to where I get accepted! Best case scenario, I have choices, worst case scenario, I've got Duluth in the bag! I'm so happy I have that one letter in hand, takes the pressure off. And it also helps that my family has been so supportive (like driving me to the Twin Cities and to Omaha, nice to not have to stress over driving or be bored all the way south on I-35). I should hear from Twin Cities by the end of March and from Creighton within three weeks. Exciting!

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