Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's Over!

Yup, my very first test of med school is now over with! It was harder than I had expected. The intense preparation and unsettling amount of guessing reminded me of organic chemistry at St. Olaf. At least the subject is WAY more interesting than that! The exam was done in two parts, the lecture exam and the practical exam (in the lab, identifying tags on cadavers, skeletons, and radiographs). I felt a lot more confident on the practical (but all bets are off until I see my real scores; that can wait until tomorrow). It was nice to sit around my apartment this afternoon and actually do nothing! Of course we get right back into in all tomorrow, but today, ignorance is bliss!
Tip: It is helpful to do lots of cooking on the weekends so you'll have food for the rest of the week. It's not fun to be stressed out and hungry when studying for a big test and trying to make something tasty and semi-nutritious in a short amount of time.
Tip Part Two: Make sure the food you make for the week will still be enjoyable come day 6 of it. I zoomed past my taco salad threshold for one week and probably won't be eating it again for quite some time. Maybe it'll seem delicious again in a couple months. In smaller doses.
Testing tip of the day: Learn to love multiple choice questions! It's the format of choice, so get used to it! Besides, it's really satisfying to forcefully cross out obviously wrong answers.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I remember Ann cooking large quantities of soup or chili to eat all week long.