Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another Day In The Lab

Today I wasn't in the anatomy labs quite as long as yesterday. Today I was only in there from 2:30 to about 5:45. Yesterday I was there from 11 to 5:45. Uhgg. I think all the chemicals got to my head because I was giddy and amused with most anything for the rest of the night yesterday. Today I am much better. Which is a good thing because I need to review the leg and foot. Hands are feet are incredibly complex! After doing a hand dissection, I really really wish I had gotten a video of my trigger finger surgery so I could figure out precisely what they did.
Lesson of the day: Don't spend 6 hours in the lab.
Funny thing: I am inclined to draw on myself to trace the tendons of different muscles groups, major veins and arteries, and delineate the different dermatones for which nerves are sensory in what areas. My roommate and I are wondering if it would be cheating to get a tattoo of all that stuff....

1 comment:

Barb said...

You see, I am reading this! It really does sound interesting.
Love you,