Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Some More Detail...

Let me fill in a bit more about my adventures. So, after lunch yesterday, forgive me if I overlap a bit, we actually we silly Americans and watched Madagascar, the son of Pilar, our house mother, has a bunch of pirated DVD´s, so we watched that since we wanted to chill out and we were a bit bored. Also, we walked to Carolina Park (Parque Carolinea). It´s supposedly dangerous alone but safe it a group. It was really cool to just walk the streets, see all the different people, the different shops (yet some are frighteningly American, like restaurants. Tony Roma, KFC, etc all have a big presence here). The park was especially cool. It was nice to find a spot of green in this city. Unfortunately, there´s a lot of pollution here. The buses and cars nearly make me hack due to all the exhaust fumes. The streets are cleaner than I expected though. They are definitely uneven and I need to watch where I´m stepping, I learned that yesterday by stepping in a big hole in sidewalk just before dashing across the street between cars. Panecilla was so beautiful, I may have to go back there when it is light out, just to see the whole expanse of the city. Quito is a very long city, not very wide, since it is wedged between two mountain ranges. This morning, we got to try out the bus system! It was too difficult but I was a bit paranoid about my backpack when the bus was really packed with people, but we had no problems. It´s amazing how much things cost here. For example, our bus fare was only a quarter, and internet access averages out at one dollar an hour. I appreciate it! It is rather odd that a foreign country uses the US dollar, we talked with our host mother about the switch to the dollar, she said it´s been great because it has lessened the rampant inflation that plagued the country for years when they used the sucre. I am so glad I know some Spanish. If I didn´t, I wouldn´t be able to communicate with our host mother or most people here. It also helps tremendously with customs officials, cafe workers, etc. It´s fun to use it, but I feel so obviously American and ignorant at the same time. There´s so much more I have to learn. Well, I am off. I need to prepare for the rainforest tomorrow. I won´t have any internet access, but I´ll have plenty to say when I get back. We´ll be there for a few days, hiking, doing short projects, piranha fishing, etc. ¡Hasta luego!


M said...

Dear Kathleen,
I didn't expect you to have time to write on your blog. What a terrific surprise.
I went MOB shopping (mother of the bride) and found a gold dress, beige long skirt at Herberger's. Needs shortening of course but only $46, another deal!
Hope your canoeing goes well. Lifejackets?
Love, M

Alli said...

Hey K!
Glad I found your blog so I can keep up on your adventures! Sounds like it's quite an experience so far. Al loved the rainforest when he was in costa rica, so I'm sure it'll be just as great in ecuador, so enjoy that! Austin and I have set a date for September 6, 2008. A ways a way still, so we'll have plenty of time to get everything done the right way! :)
Anyway, it was great to see you and share my joy with family.
Have a wonderful j-term and keep on updating!!!Love, Alli

M said...

Dear Kathleen,
Here's a request from Grandpa--if you can find any postcards he'd appreciate it if you could get a couple for him to give to Roger Holm for his geography wall. You don't have to mail them; just bring them back with you. I'm keeping G&G in touch with your adventures. Thanks! Mom

M said...

Dear Kathleen,
Here's a request from Grandpa--if you can find any postcards he'd appreciate it if you could get a couple for him to give to Roger Holm for his geography wall. You don't have to mail them; just bring them back with you. I'm keeping G&G in touch with your adventures. Thanks! Mom