Friday, January 26, 2007

Last Day in Ecuador

Currently, I am sitting in an internet cafe around the corner from my host family´s house, finishing up an essay, hoping that I can print it. These last few days in Ecuador have been jam packed! I am going to miss Ecuador, but maybe not Quito. I am not a big city person I have learned, especially not in a city where jay walking (or sprinting rather) is the rule, car alarms blare day and night, dogs fight and bark constantly, and pollution is rampant. But really, Quito´s a great place! I am a bit sad to leave here, but I am excited to return. And yes, American food would be welcomed! Ice cream, mac and cheese, a big juicy burger, yeah. And being able to flush toilet paper. I am looking forward to many things, some of them more unusual than others. I´ve certainly figured out that some basic things are taken for granted in the United States. I leave in approximately seven hours, see you soon!

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