Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Whirlwind Tour of Quito

I have so much to say and only so much time, I need to be back at the Andean Study Center in twelve minutes (by noon) so please forgive any mistakes I make! Yesterday, we had more orientation, which was interesting. Afterwards, our host mother, Pilar picked us up and brought us back to the house. We had an awesome lunch, lunch is the biggest meal of the day here. We´ve had fruit smoothies or juice with every meal, and usually I have no idea what they are, but they´re good! After lunch, we decided to go and explore. We went to Parque Carolinea, a very big central park,very cool, we saw some guys playing soccer, play equipment made out of an airplane and construction equipment. After a light dinner, we went to Panecillo, a mountain in the middle of Quito with a giant statue of La Virgen, surrounded by a lit up nativity set, it was beautiful to see Quito at night, a long strip of lights with mountains on either side. And of course we did some homework. Thank goodness I did some before I got here! We had rainforest orientation today, because we are flying to Coca tomorrow. It should be awesome!

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