Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Dangers of Static Electricity

Hopefully this entry will serve as a public service announcement, even though the incident was a freak accident. On Sunday, I walked across our living room carpet, while wearing an alpaca sweater, over to my laptop, which was plugged into the wall and on screensaver at the time. I touched the mouse, transferred a jolt of static electricity to my computer and it promptly shut off! I couldn't get it to turn on again! One call to Dell tech support later, the technician determined that I needed a new motherboard. Oh man. Thank goodness though, the part came today and a local installer came by, replaced it, and my computer was fine! I have seen the guts of my computer, and I am glad that nothing else was zapped. So, lesson learned. Don't wear alpaca sweaters and walk across carpet, either that, or I should ground myself before using electronics!


Alli said...

hahah, that's great! I had a streak of about two months where everything i touched shocked me, it still happens every now and then now, but i have no clue why it was every single time before. just stay well moisturized i guess too, lotion is the key! :)
anyway, glad you're keeping up with the blog, it's fun to hear stories and such. i have one and al and erica also do too, mine you can link from my name on this and al and erica's is www.alexanderica.blogspot.com if you're interested.
welcome back to the U.S.!
your cousin,

Kay said...

I think I may have to carry moisturizer wherever I go and use it, for the sake of everyone's electronics! Static electricity indeed is a strange thing, thank goodness not everything shocks you anymore! I'll have to check out your blog and Al and Erica's, thanks for the site. Sometime we'll have to visit so I can share some of pictures (believe me, only some, I took 2120 thanks to the wonders of digital photography).