Tuesday, December 26, 2006

After Christmas Creation

Here begins my humble little blog. I hope to record some of my adventures, the good times, and the perhaps not so good times. In short, welcome, and enjoy the ride!

In the future, I hope to post what I can, when I can, no guarantees about frequency. However, this should be a fairly good place to inform you, my reader, about my interim in Ecuador. An entire month in the rainforest, cloud forest, and the Galapagos Islands. I'm excited to go, but alas, you all can't join me. Hopefully you can live vicariously through what I jot down here.

By the way, my title is partially inspired from an Einstein quote "All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." It struck me, since I love climbing trees, science, and attempting to be a well-rounded individual (among many other things that I love). So, my dear reader, read and enjoy some scribblings about my life!

1 comment:

M said...

What an exciting trip, Kathleen!
Just be sure that you can climb down any trees you climb up, i.e. return home safely with more corners rounded. Love, M